12 April 2011

Finished Project: Pink Quilt-along Quilt

This is the very moment that the pin on the right let go and the quilt nearly went flying across my muddy, nasty backyard while I had a (video) camera hung around my wrist and the regular camera around my neck and a pair heels for shoes that were aerating the grass. Fortunately only three of six or seven pins let go, so the quilt stayed hanging awkwardly on the fence while I mentally debated the benefits of recording the moment versus trying to stop it from happening. (And in light of the shoes, I probably couldn't have made it over there fast enough to catch the quilt if it had gone airborne anyway.)

I'm going to have to try another day to get a full-on shot of the quilt, because I don't like any of the against the fence ones very much.

Of course, I do have other shots I can use anyway. It's not that they're horrible (though I'm no photographer), but the lighting isn't quite right and I really, really should have pressed the quilt before trying to photograph it. I had, originally, pinned the quilt to the fence down the right hand-side so that it wouldn't get caught by the wind, but that mainly worked to show off how badly it needed pressing.

Pink Quilt-along Quilt
Pink Quilt-along Quilt a photo by clumsy chord on Flickr.

This is the most head-on shot that I've got of this quilt. It's my first of two quilts for Cherri House's quilt-along, which you can find here (scroll down, then click back to page two) at Cherry House Quilts.

This sweet and girly little quilt is about 33-in x 39-in, if I remember right (I did a really loose measurement when I was making the binding but I've kind of blanked it out). I quilted it in wavy vertical lines, spaced about 1-in apart. I was really frustrated to find that even with my walking foot, the top layer of the quilt was shifting pretty massively. Eventually I gave up trying to prevent the problem (I picked out probably 10 or more lines of quilting) and decided just to live with the shiftiness. Maybe once it's washed, it won't be so noticeable.

Pink Quilt-along Quilt
Pink Quilt-along Quilt a photo by clumsy chord on Flickr.

This quilt uses Kona cottons almost exclusively, but I decided to throw in a few squares of fabric from the Back Porch Bouquet line, the Pink and Tan Dots, which I also used as part of the binding. I probably should have left that fabric out of the binding because I only had a fat quarter of it, which means that the binding has a LOT of seams in it. I also used leftover strips of two of the colours from the body of the quilt - Carnation, the brighter pink at the top left corner, and Garnet, the deeper wine colour on the bottom right. I wish I'd had enough of the garnet to do the entire binding in it because I really liked that deep dark colour framing the quilt.

The body of the quilt uses Kona Pink for both the main background colour and for the backing. I didn't dress up the back of the quilt at all, just used one solid piece of pink fabric. The four stripes of colour on the front are Garnet, Pearl Pink, Carnation, and Baby Pink (moving left to right). If I could, I would use something different in place of Baby Pink, since it's far too similar to the background colour, and it kind of sinks back into the background.

I have no recipient in mind for this quilt, but I think I'll keep it for a while, in case anyone I know winds up having a baby, and eventually it may get donated somewhere.

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